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Greetings to all, we are together again for our usual communication.

We are in the last few days of the first month of the year, January and we are about to welcome the second month, February, with a busy week-end.

Οn Saturday, 1st of February, the "TO STEKI MAS/Our Place", between 10.30am and 3pm, for coffee/tea/dessert and a chat will take place at our Church Hall, (Swinfen Harris Church Hall). On the same evening, 1/2/25, as it has been advertised the Fundraising Greek Dinner Dance will welcome members, supporters and friends of our Community at The Woughton House Hotel, between 7pm to midnight, under the title ANNUAL BALL. This happy gathering provides a joyous atmosphere with live Greek music, dance and songs. The Cutting of the New Year's Bread/Cake will also take place.

Next day 2/2/25 Sunday, the Feast of the Ypapandi, The Presentation of The Lord in the Temple, will be celebrated and after the H. Liturgy the memory of the Sts, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John THe Chrysostom - The Three Hierarchs, teachers and protectors of the Hellenic Letters-, will be marked by our School. This celebration takes place in all our Churches and Schools every year. In addition The Vasilopita -New Year's bread/cake- will be Blessed and cut for the teachers, pupils and all who are involved in the running of the School.

Regards and best wishes.

For more information, please contact us.

©2023 Greek Orthodox Community of Milton Keynes
London Rd, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1JA, United Kingdom

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